Betting Sites in UK

The United Kingdom, a federated island country in western Europe occupies the GB – England, Scotland, and Wales and the island of Ireland with Northern Ireland. It was the first country to go through Industrial Revolution in the period between the 1760s and 1830s. In recent past, betting has gained popularity in the UK mainly due to a good regulation system. This article will provide all the information you require concerning betting sites in UK and sports betting starting with the legalities of the matter up to the best sports betting platform to use.

Betting Sites in UK: Best Bookmakers

1928: On the control of horse racing betting.

1960: Off-course betting: legalizing the activity.

1994: National lotteries are the new form of gambling.

2005: Revision of the gambling legislation.

2014: The relaxation of rules regarding online gambling.

History of Gambling Laws in the UK

The UK has a historical development of gambling that has been characterized by the enhancement of the legal framework aimed at managing the activity. Here’s a quick overview;

  • 1928: The Racecourse Betting Act was concerned with the regulation of horse racing betting thus making it the first type of legal gambling in the UK.
  • 1934: One of the laws that has been enacted is the Betting and Lotteries Act which legalised lotteries and greyhound racing betting.
  • 1960: The Betting and Gaming Act allowed casino gambling, poker, bingo and off course betting.
  • 1994: The formation of the UK National Lottery as one of the biggest and most successful lottery games in the world.
  • 2005: The Gambling Act that extended the previous legislations allowed online gambling and formed the Gambling Commission.
  • 2014: The Gambling (Licensing & Advertising) Bill legalised but at the same time restricted the UK online gambling market.
  • 2023: The UK’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) released a gambling white paper containing proposals for the reform of the gambling regulation.

Regulatory of Betting Sites in UK

The Gambling Commission is the key regulator of gambling activities in the UK. Operating under the guidelines of the Gambling Act of 2005, it governs electronic arcades, betting, bingo, casinos, slot machines and lotteries.

The core functions of the Gambling Commission include:

  • Preventing gambling from being a source of crime or disorder.
  • To promote fairness and openness in the gambling activities.
  • Preventing children and other vulnerable persons from being hurt or taken advantage of by gambling activities.

The local authorities are the ones that grant premises licenses while the Gambling Commission is the one that grant operating and personal licenses.

Prohibited and Permitted Bets

The UK has certain restrictions on the kinds of bets that are allowed and those that are not allowed. Here’s a summary;

Permitted Bets:

  • Sports betting.
  • Casino games.
  • Bingo.
  • Lotteries.
  • Online gambling.

Prohibited Bets:

  • Spread betting which includes particular types of betting is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and not the Gambling Commission.

Gambling Licenses and Fees

The UK gambling licenses are of three categories namely:

Operating Licenses:

  • Needed for organizations engaged in the offering of gambling activities.
  • Divided into three groups, namely; online, land-based, and ancillary.

Personal Licenses:

  • For the top management of organizations that deal with gambling.

Premises Licenses:

  • Given by the local government for the physical business that accepts people for gambling.
  • The costs depend on the type and size of the business, for example, large-scale and complex operations pay higher fees. For instance, the online gambling operators are required to make a tax payment of 21% of the profits made from remote gambling with UK persons.

Taxes on Gambling

UK gambling taxes are classified depending on the activities that it seeks to cover;

  • The tax rate of online gambling is 21% on the profits earned.
  • For bingo, the net income is subjected to taxation at a rate of 10%.
  • Twelve percent of the lottery revenues are taken as tax.
  • Outright and totalisator bets when placed are subject to tax of 15%.

These taxes are on top of the other taxes that are paid by corporations, thus making gambling companies to contribute adequately towards the development of the economy.

Best Betting Sites in UK

To the UK betting sites, numerous platforms have been-known to offer the best services when it comes to betting. Below are some of the best;

Mr Green:


Famous for its high probability of winning and a number of promotions.
It encompasses a lot of sports and events.

Up To £100 Visit Site

Mr. play:


Offers a lot of entertaining activities in the form of sports and casino games.
Promotions and special deals for new as well as returning players at the casino.

Up To £100 Visit Site



An all-in-one solution with a great variety of markets and pretty high margins among the providers.
Also, it is famous for its promotion and bonuses.

Up To £100 Visit Site

Evolution of UK Sports Betting Milestones

There are certain moments in the history of the UK that have become critical in the development of the sports betting industry;

  • 1928: Horse racing and its betting.
  • 1960: Off-course betting, legalisation of.
  • 1994: The National Lottery as a new concept.
  • 2005: Revamping the laws on gambling.
  • 2014: Online gambling: The phenomenon of liberalization.

Featuring UK Sports Star Glory

It is also important to note that the UK has recorded numerous sports accomplishment that has somehow created a cultural icon.


  • Home of the modern football with rules as old as 1863.
  • The pride of England, the most-watched football league in the world is the Premier League.


  • The very first international rugby match was between England and Scotland in the year 1871.


  • Developed in England, laws set in 1788 by Marylebone Cricket Club.


  • Wimbledon tennis, the oldest tennis tournament on the globe began in the year 1877.


  • There are as well numerous Formula One teams and drivers who are from the UK.

Gambling Laws of Neighboring Countries

Although gambling laws in the UK are quite clear, the countries that surround it have their own set of laws when it comes to gambling.


  • Gambling Control Bill 2013 aims to modernize gambling laws.
  • This paper shall focus on the Gambling Control Bill 2013 with the view to examining how it seeks to update the gambling laws.


  • Regulated by the Autorité Nationale des Jeux (ANJ).
  • Tough measures on the aspect of online gambling.


  • Subject to the jurisdiction of the Glücksspielaufsichtsbehörden (gambling supervisory authorities).
  • The laws that were put into effect recently especially the State Treaty on Gambling 2021 have brought new rules for online gambling.


Extremely popular and safe form of gambling in the UK, which is a country with a rather long history of gambling. To know about the history of gambling laws in the UK, where to find the top betting sites, and almost everything you need to know about sports betting, you are in the right place.

FAQ of Betting Sites in UK

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