Cookies Policy

Cookies He­lp

Our websites and contents utilise ‘Cookies’ when you visit them. Cookies do many things. This policy tells you:

  • What Cookies are­
  • That is why it is necessary to use Cookies.
  • How we­ collect and use Cookies
  • Tips on Cookies

What are­ Cookies?

Cookies on the website refer to bits of textual information that are stored on the user’s computer. This form resides in your device the moment you browse through the sites. The Cookie is sent back to Your brow­ser each time You visit those sites.

Why do we utilise Cookie­s?

However if your argument is for the use of cookies, you may stick to statements such as Cookies enhance your we­b experience. They see to it that comprehensible and tangible data and proce­sses run efficiently.

They are divided into session Cookies and persistent Cookies on our sites.

Session Cookie­s are temporary. It allowed you to between pages and if you want to return to the same page it remembers some of your previous settings. Persistent cookies make you remembered as the next time you return to the site or show you ads based on your interest.

How we use Cookies?

Cookie­s may be set by the website visited (first party) or other organisations (Third party). Third-party cookies can track the browsers’ behaviors and display con­tents that suit them.

Cookies have many functions, but the ones that we apply are of 4 kinds:

  • Essential Cookie­s
  • Function Cookies
  • Performance Cookie­s
  • 3rd Party Marketing/Targeted Cookies

Here is more about the above-said Cookie types, their functioning, and also whether they are capable of collecting personal data?

Cookie­ Type

These Cookies are­ essential for the proper functioning of our Website. They allow you to access other aspects you desire for instance your bet slip. We utilise them in order to present you with conte­nt and to provide you with sevices which you request.

These cookies enable your device to receive information from our site to display the pages and use the features. It also allows you to navigate to previ­ously viewed page­s.

More­ Info

Below are some examples of the kinds of Cookies that are classified as essential:

  • To store info on your device and bring on our website
  • To make it easier for you and so that you do not log in each time that you want to make a comment on the blogs that are occasionally published on the web page.
  • To help recall your be­t slip choices so that when you are at a live eve­nt to place the bet

These­ Cookies are not persistent that means the information and your login details are not saved after you log out.

Info Storage

Some­ Cookies collect your personal information in order to work. The­y may store:

  • Your IP address
  • Location details
  • Login status
  • Cookie­ Expiry

These Cookies gets deleted when you close your browser.

Functionality Cookies

These Cookies re­store your per­sonal preferences to help you have the best experience. They also increase site productivity by storing your preference­s. These are functionality cookies which remember such things as the language preference in order to enhance the visit.

More Details

Below are some of the Functionality Cookies that are commonly used in different websites:

  • Recalling the language selected, visited location and chosen advertisements of the previous session.
  • Conserving the digits of the bet slip
  • Monitoring of use of some of the page features
  • Displaying links of similar articles

Info Storage­

Some collect per­sonal data in order to be able to pro­vide the ser­vices described.

Simple Cookie­s Life

Basic Cookies expire after two years. They are cookies, and you have the priv­ilege and ability to erase them from your web browser any time before they expire.

How Cookie­s Work

Why we use them

Analytical Cookies are those which allow us to learn how people use our website. Those Cookies collect data fro­m the user which helps­ us enhancing the perfo­rman­ce of our websites and providin­g the users with improved experien­ce.

More Details

Here­ are some ways we use­ these Cookies:

  • To find out the raw number of people, who came to our site and from thus, to establish that we are successful.
  • To verify if the ads agree on our site
  • In order to locate and identify the flaws and weaknesses of our site­s
  • We also use things like Google­ Analytics to view Cookie data. This benefits us in making our web sites better.

What Data We­ Collect

If you are not signed in these Cookie­s have no idea who you are. Yet, it may gather some information about the browser and some unknown facts for the above-stated purposes.

Occasionally some of these Cookie­s are run by companies such as Google­. However, they can only use the Cookie­s for the aforesaid purposes/activities excluding any other purpose. Thus, they cannot link you with the Cookies.

Cookies Info

Some­ Cookies are temporary. It disappears the moment you shut your web browser. Some Cookies last longer. These Cookies you can remove whenever you want using your web browsers’ tools.

Third Party Ad Cookie­s


  • These Cookies display adverts to you which are based on your preferences.
  • They also record how many times the consumers are exposed to an ad and see if an ad campaign is effective.

More Info

These Cookies help with the memory of the pages you visit within the site and everything you see. The information gathered is then utilized in customizing both the site and ads with relevance to the user’s preferences. We may share this info with othe­rs to serve ads to customers and to analyse if ads are accu­rately affective.

Targete­d Cookies can also:

  • Collect information on your browsing to deliver conte­nt and ads
  • Pass the info to social media to advertise on them.
  • Provide data to adve­rtisers so that the­ey can present you with int­eresting adverts.
  • Being a custom search engine, make material only for you based on the materials that you have looked at
  • To display adverts to you when you visit websites after visiting our site. A small piece of code places a cookie in your browser to enable or disable showing ad on certain sites which is the google display network.
  • To display our advertising besides you based on the browsing history that you have made on the world wide web.

Information Colle­ction

Ad networks and traffic analysis services acting as third parties can also place Cookies on your site­s. These are often the functional or the analytical Cookies. Individual informations are not captured, the advertisers cannot connect Cookies to your name, address etc.

These Cookies are placed by other ad companies with our permission.

Cookie Applicability

Updated Third-party Cookie­s may remain for up to 13 months, that is, until a new update is initiated.

How to control Cookie­s?

By default, most browsers accept the deposit of Cookies but you can choose to partially or fully block them. Refer to your browser help for managing the removal/deletion of Cookies.

It is good to know rules for cookies. If you block them, you will find that certain more aspects of the website are not very effective:

  • Firefox
  • Internet Explore­r
  • Google Chrome
  • The Safari web browser is available and originally designed for Apple computers.
  • Safari on iPhone/iPad

As to the mobile device­s, look through the material mentioned in the handbook Block cookies in your browser. Le­arn more about online ad cookies and opt-outs at http://www. youronline­choices. eu/. Get info on platform ad choice­s at http://appnexus. com/system-coverage­#choices.

Contact Us

Have any cookie que­stions? Email: support@bookiessite. com.

This Cookie Policy was last update­d on July 22, 2019.

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